The Professional Development Area of ICAM was born with the aim of opening new paths in the difficult task of initiation and growth of our professional career.
- For more than 25 years, ICAM has been managing an intermediary service between law firms or companies wishing to hire lawyers and members of the Bar in search of employment or professional improvement. To do this we use a computer application, the Job Portal, which allows firms, companies and organisations to publish offers in a comfortable, easy and confidential way, as well as to find the best candidates quickly.
- Include your CV in our database and update it when necessary; consult the offers and register as applicant in those that you consider fit your professional profile.
- We offer information available on scholarships and calls for applications from the Madrid Bar Association and other national and international institutions, as well as the list of Higher Level vacancies in International Organisations published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
- We also have a computer application designed to facilitate contact between universities and law firms or company legal advisers in order to carry out the obligatory external internships for students in the Masters for Access to the Legal Profession.
- The Professional Development Area of ICAM organises different workshops throughout the year aimed at defining strategies for the search for employment. If, on the other hand, your path is to create and manage your own office, you will also be able to participate in workshops designed to offer members the basic concepts of business development and the organisation of work in a professional office, as well as learning about processes, activity control and knowledge management as key tools for managing daily work.
Job Portal

At the Job Portal you can enter your job offers directly and free of charge and, if you need guidance, you can contact an employment officer at portalempleo@icam.es or by phone at 91 788 93 80, ext. 1933.
Once the company or office data has been entered and validated, you decide when to enter your offer, what data you want to make visible to the candidates and which deadline.
The recruiter will assess which of the candidates registered as interested in your offer fit the profile and they will be sent to you on the day you mark as “end of publication”. They can also perform a direct search of our database, if the profile requires it, or adapt it to your specific needs. Contact the Job Portal in any of these cases.

If you are applicant, at the Job Portal you can:
- Enter your CV in the database
- Consult offers
- Apply to the offers interesting to you
- Be selected to offers that may fit your professional profile, even if you have not registered for them
- Know the status of the selection processes for which you apply
- See the history of all the offers interesting to you
This service is open to all people, although in the offers for lawyers priority is given to the members of the Madrid Bar.
Pulsa en el siguiente enlace para acceder al Área de Candidatos del Portal de Empleo o enviar una consulta:
Internship for the Master’s Degree for Access to the Legal Profession
Connect Universities with professional offices to facilitate the practices of the Master of Access to the Legal Profession.
The Bar Association echoes the interest expressed by educational institutions and professional offices. This space facilitates contact between both parties so that students of the Master’s Degree in Access to the Legal Profession can carry out their compulsory internships.
Frequently Asked Questions
We periodically carry out surveys and actions aimed at finding out the perception of the activity of the Job Portal. From the answers you — both providers and applicants — give us we obtain data that helps us to improve our work.
We would like to try to clarify some of the points that are most often raised by our applicants.
The Job Portal always respects the will of the providers regarding their identity. They often prefer to remain anonymous so as not to be saturated with CVs sent directly by the candidates. That does not mean we do not have their identification data.
Managing the Job Portal there is a person at your disposal to obtain any kind of information you may require, both to optimise the management of your CV and to consult doubts about any particular job offer.
There is always personal attention behind the job portal. Do not hesitate to use it.
When an offer arrives at the ICAM Job Portal, it is checked that its content is publishable, regardless of our opinion of its quality.
Our job is to monitor the outcome of selection processes, but we are not inspectors. Both providers and applicants enjoy the presumption of truthfulness, the former in the content of their offers and the latter in the content of their CVs. Fictitious offers are never published on the Job Portal.
The person who manages the Job Portal makes a pre-selection. We work as intermediaries and select the CVs that are most suitable to the selection criteria demanded by the provider. It is common to have more than 300 applicants to register as interested in an offer; however, the provider wants to receive a limited number of CVs.
In the curricular pre-selection we always work with objective criteria. Before you register for an offer as an interested party, check that the information on your CV is complete and that it really matches the profile and your interests:
If candidates with a “High level of French” are requested, there is no point in registering if you don’t meet that requirement.
If an internship is offered, do not apply if you state in your CV not to be not interested in internships. Don’t forget that some candidates are, even when in the case of “unpaid internships”.
Do not apply for an offer where they are looking for a professional with 5 years of experience in a certain area, when your CV shows that you have just graduated or that you only have one year of experience.
Don’t forget to complete the “Legal Experience by Areas” filters, when you have legal experience. This filter is very important, especially when scanning our database for applicants with very specific profiles. And when you finish, always save the changes made to your CV.
If you feel that your CV is not managed properly, consider the possibility that it has not been entered correctly. Contact the person who manages the Job Portal to locate and try to solve possible incidents.
We are aware that the resulting format is not particularly appealing, but this way all candidates have, in principle, the same pre-selection opportunities. If the provider contacts you, offer to send them the CV of your choice.
Check the Pdf file of your CV (See curriculum). That way you can check if all the details have been collected.
We cannot require the provider to disclose the salary range of their offer. However, there is an internal management field that requires them to specify a salary range. This can be a determining factor in deciding whether or not a CV is suitable for an offer, regardless of whether the profile may fit or not.
The ICAM Employment Area always gives priority to member applicants in the management of legal profiles.
It is not a service restricted to members, since there are other types of non-legal profiles (students, secretaries, administrative staff, accountants…) for which a degree in law is not required.
At the express request of the majority of our users, only the history for the last 5 months is displayed in the applicants’ Diaries.
The standard is ONE YEAR maximum from the last update date. Please note that you will have to enter some new data or, if there are no new ones, modify some of the existing ones so that the application can offer us the updated date of your CV. An out-of-date curriculum will not be taken into account, with few exceptions, when searching the database.
Current public calls for employment
We attach the list of professional opportunities offered and updated by the Government.
Vacancies in International Organisations
Attached is the list of high-level professional opportunities in International Organisations, sent and updated fortnightly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
For a more general consultation on professional opportunities in OOII for all administrative categories and for broader professional profiles, we recommend visiting the MAEC website in its section Professional Opportunities in International Organisations.
News and activities
Phone: | 914 369 900 / 917 889 380, ext. 1933 |
Mail: | portalempleo@icam.es |
Office Hours: | Lunes a viernes: 08:00 a 15:00 horas |
Location: | C/ Serrano, 11, 3ª planta |