International legislation
National legislation
2.-International Protection Act 12/2009
3.-Royal Decree 203/1995 on asylum
4.-Royal Decree 1325/2003 on displaced persons
EU legislation
5.-Consolidated Directives on common procedures 2013/32/EU of 26 June 2013
6.-Consolidated Reception Conditions Directive 2013/33 of 26 June 2013
7.-Consolidated Qualification Directive 2011/95 (EC) of 21/12/2011
8.-Dublin Regulation 604/13 of 26 June 2013
9.-Recast EURODAC Regulation 603/2013 of 26 June 2013
10.-Posting Directive 55/2001 of 201 July 2001
Model forms
11.-Application for International Protection Form
Relevant documents
12.-Legal Aid Rules on International Protection
13.-Conclusions adopted at the meeting of lawyers on foreign law on asylum – Bilbao 2014
14.-Practical guide for counsel in international protection proceedings (UNHCR-ICAM 2011)